Flowering palo verde and saguaro frame Piestewa Peak in the Phoenix Mountains
Blooming saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Window and post hole at Chaco Canyon
Crumbled walls of Hungo Pavi in Chaco Canyon
Mask-like remnants of walls at Chetro Ketl in Chaco Canyon
Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon
Aligned doorways of Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon
Desert valleys in the Phoenix Mountains
Looking north under the Tonto Natural Bridge
Travertine cliffs in Pine Canyon near the Tonto Natural Bridge
Small plants on a rock in Pine Canyon near the Tonto Natural Bridge
Narrow stone ravine in the Phoenix Mountains
Family of teddy bear chollas in the Phoenix Mountains
Multi-headed barrel cactus in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunset heights in the Phoenix Mountains
Bare ocotillo branches in the Phoenix Mountains
Weathered saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Creosote bush and rock in the Phoenix Mountains
Flowering mesquite in the Phoenix Mountains
Tiny barrel cactus in the Phoenix Mountains
Webs and fallen saguaro ribs in the Phoenix Mountains
Fallen saguaro arm among wildflowers in the Phoenix Mountains
Broken glass under a cholla skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Young palo verde growing under old wood in the Phoenix Mountains
Flowering palo verdes frame Piestewa Peak in the Phoenix Mountains
Saguaro and flowering palo verde in the Phoenix Mountains
Rocky canyon framed by flowering palo verdes in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunlit prickly pear flower in the Phoenix Mountains
Barrel cactus and skeleton between chollas in the Phoenix Mountains
Chollas surround saguaro skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Bird nest in cholla branches in the Phoenix Mountains
Bird nest in cholla branches in the Phoenix Mountains
Barrel cactus below creosote bush in the Phoenix Mountains
Weathering saguaro skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Multi-armed saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Saguaro stump in the Phoenix Mountains
The sunset on the eye of Camelback Mountain
Saguaro skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Dead palo verde in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunset over dark hills in the Phoenix Mountains
Deer petroglyphs above the waterfall at Picture Canyon
Sunlit heliotrope in the Phoenix Mountains
Distant rain over north Phoenix
Sunny Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Boulder with quartz vein in the Phoenix Mountains
Geese on Vallecito Reservoir near Durango
Brilliant cholla flower in the Phoenix Mountains
Mesquite leaves in dappled shade in the Phoenix Mountains
Drifting clouds over Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Ironwood reaching toward sun in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunset monoliths in the Phoenix Mountains
Cliffs and saguaro near Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Dry chia seedheads in the Phoenix Mountains
Ripening saguaro fruits over the Phoenix Mountains
Ocotillo buds reaching skyward in the Phoenix Mountains
Sinuous terrain within a wash in the Phoenix Mountains
Tall saguaro heavy with fruit below Piestewa
Mesquite seedlings in sun in the Phoenix Mountains
Window through miner's cabin in the Phoenix Mountains
Deadwood and creosote overlooking Piestewa Peak
Fishhook cactus crowned with flowers in the Phoenix Mountains
Rippled clouds above the Phoenix Mountains
Dreamy Draw viewpoint overlooking Piestewa
Still pools under trees in Pine Creek
Standing rocky walls in the Phoenix Mountains
Young saguaros near Piestewa Peak
Geometric agave growing on the walls of Pine Creek
Fairy cloak ferns and selaginella in the Phoenix Mountains
Gravels and tall canopy along Pine Creek
Saguaro among shaded cliffs in the Phoenix Mountains
Riparian corridor along Pine Creek
Saguaro bordered path through Spur Cross Ranch
Backlit saguaro canyon in the Phoenix Mountains
Trickling water in the boulders of Pine Creek
Jojoba leave at Spur Cross Ranch
Weathered saguaro and spider web in the Phoenix Mountains
Autumn maple sapling between the massive walls of Pine Canyon
Warped prickly pear pad at Spur Cross Ranch
Barrel cactus growing from a rock in the Phoenix Mountains
Delicate Mexican gold poppy in the Phoenix Mountains
Looking south through the eye of Tonto Natural Bridge
Standing saguaro skeletons along Cave Creek
Splayed saguaro skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Brittlebush flowers reaching through ironwood branches in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunlit vault of travertine under Tonto Natural Bridge
Small riffle along Cave Creek
Cholla skeleton among gravel in the Phoenix Mountains
Field of Mexican gold poppies and silvery lupines at Dreamy Draw
Sunlit palo verde in the Phoenix Mountains
Barrel cactus in the Phoenix Mountains
Cholla skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Barrel cactus in the Phoenix Mountains
Saguaro group on steep hills in the Phoenix Mountains
Flowering brittlebush in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunset on Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Sheared stone in a wash bed of the Phoenix Mountains
Close-up lichens in the Phoenix Mountains
Narrow arroyo in the Phoenix Mountains at sunset
Sunset aspens near Flagstaff
Proud saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunset over the valleys of the Phoenix Mountains
Evening trails in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunset behind a lone boulder in the Phoenix Mountains
Piestewa's sister in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunset ocotillos near Piestewa Peak
Fallen barrel cactus in the Phoenix Mountains
Tiny barrel cactus in the Phoenix Mountains
Blossoming ironwood and setting sun in the Phoenix Mountains
Brittlebush stems in the Phoenix Mountains
Textured light in a deep wash of the Phoenix Mountains
Chia seedheads in the Phoenix Mountains
Brittlebush after flowering in the Phoenix Mountains
Arched palo verde in a wash of the Phoenix Mountains
Wash bank with dugout in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunlit valley looking toward Piestewa Peak
Ocotillo and saguaros in the Phoenix Mountains
Sheer cliffs and saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Dry ocotillo seed pods in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunlit slopes in the Phoenix Mountains
Saguaros steep terrain in the Phoenix Mountains
Young saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Uniquely curved saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Abandoned nest in a palo verde in the Phoenix Mountains
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Sinagua ruins high above Montezuma's Well
Saguaro and its shadow on Camelback Mountain
Saguaro hillsides in the Phoenix Mountains
Dusky fairy cloak ferns in the Phoenix Mountains
Remains of a saguaro skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Shattered saguaro skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Trixis growing within deadwood in the Phoenix Mountains
Trixis flowers in the Phoenix Mountains
Shadowed saguaro valley in the Phoenix Mountains
Rambling milkweed flowers in the Phoenix Mountains
Palo verde bright with flowers in the Phoenix Mountains
Closely guarded prickly pear flower in the Phoenix Mountains
Saguaro crowned with flower buds in the Phoenix Mountains
Tall hillside saguaros in the Phoenix Mountains
Flower-crowned saguaro above the Piestewa Peak trailhead
Saguaros and distant peak in the Phoenix Mountains
Decomposing saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Palo verde seeds and saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Cholla skeletons in the Phoenix Mountains
Tiny talus snail shell in the Phoenix Mountains
Boulder shrine in the Phoenix Mountains
Prickly poppy at Fool Hollow Lake in Show Low
Fallen saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Full moon and saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
High slopes and Piestewa Peak beyond
Evening shadows on Piestewa Peak
Saguaro hills in the Phoenix Mountains
Sun and shade on Camelback Mountains
Twisting stone high on Camelback Mountain
Setting sun on the head of Camelback Mountain
Strange cliffs on Camelback Mountain
Cavities in stone on Camelback Mountain
Stones fill a narrow wash in the Phoenix Mountains
Mesquite and tall saguaro at Spur Cross Ranch
Giant saguaro at Spur Cross Ranch
Fool Hollow Lake near Show Low
Water-worn stone in the Phoenix Mountains
Wash and mountain peaks in the Phoenix Mountains
Fruiting saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Cholla and saguaro skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Saguaro in front of Piestewa Peak
Sunset on Piestewa Peak
Afternoon textures on Piestewa Peak
Sunset layers on Piestewa Peak
Rough terrain and a view of Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Saguaro and Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Eclipse sun through branches at Cosanti
Crescent suns on paving stones at Cosanti
Saguaro and Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Santa Rita prickly pear flower in the Phoenix Mountains
Santa Rita prickly pear and Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Santa Rita prickly pear among the Phoenix Mountains
Fallen giant saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Towering stone formation in the Phoenix Mountains
Gnarled saguaro trunks in the Phoenix Mountains
Rambling milkweed on acacia in the Phoenix Mountains
Layers of shade and sun in the Phoenix Mountains
Cholla skeleton and spiderweb in the Phoenix Mountains
Shades of sunset on Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Flowering palo verde and saguaro frame Piestewa Peak in the Phoenix Mountains
Blooming saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Window and post hole at Chaco Canyon
Crumbled walls of Hungo Pavi in Chaco Canyon
Mask-like remnants of walls at Chetro Ketl in Chaco Canyon
Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon
Aligned doorways of Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon
Desert valleys in the Phoenix Mountains
Looking north under the Tonto Natural Bridge
Travertine cliffs in Pine Canyon near the Tonto Natural Bridge
Small plants on a rock in Pine Canyon near the Tonto Natural Bridge
Narrow stone ravine in the Phoenix Mountains
Family of teddy bear chollas in the Phoenix Mountains
Multi-headed barrel cactus in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunset heights in the Phoenix Mountains
Bare ocotillo branches in the Phoenix Mountains
Weathered saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Creosote bush and rock in the Phoenix Mountains
Flowering mesquite in the Phoenix Mountains
Tiny barrel cactus in the Phoenix Mountains
Webs and fallen saguaro ribs in the Phoenix Mountains
Fallen saguaro arm among wildflowers in the Phoenix Mountains
Broken glass under a cholla skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Young palo verde growing under old wood in the Phoenix Mountains
Flowering palo verdes frame Piestewa Peak in the Phoenix Mountains
Saguaro and flowering palo verde in the Phoenix Mountains
Rocky canyon framed by flowering palo verdes in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunlit prickly pear flower in the Phoenix Mountains
Barrel cactus and skeleton between chollas in the Phoenix Mountains
Chollas surround saguaro skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Bird nest in cholla branches in the Phoenix Mountains
Bird nest in cholla branches in the Phoenix Mountains
Barrel cactus below creosote bush in the Phoenix Mountains
Weathering saguaro skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Multi-armed saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Saguaro stump in the Phoenix Mountains
The sunset on the eye of Camelback Mountain
Saguaro skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Dead palo verde in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunset over dark hills in the Phoenix Mountains
Deer petroglyphs above the waterfall at Picture Canyon
Sunlit heliotrope in the Phoenix Mountains
Distant rain over north Phoenix
Sunny Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Boulder with quartz vein in the Phoenix Mountains
Geese on Vallecito Reservoir near Durango
Brilliant cholla flower in the Phoenix Mountains
Mesquite leaves in dappled shade in the Phoenix Mountains
Drifting clouds over Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Ironwood reaching toward sun in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunset monoliths in the Phoenix Mountains
Cliffs and saguaro near Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Dry chia seedheads in the Phoenix Mountains
Ripening saguaro fruits over the Phoenix Mountains
Ocotillo buds reaching skyward in the Phoenix Mountains
Sinuous terrain within a wash in the Phoenix Mountains
Tall saguaro heavy with fruit below Piestewa
Mesquite seedlings in sun in the Phoenix Mountains
Window through miner's cabin in the Phoenix Mountains
Deadwood and creosote overlooking Piestewa Peak
Fishhook cactus crowned with flowers in the Phoenix Mountains
Rippled clouds above the Phoenix Mountains
Dreamy Draw viewpoint overlooking Piestewa
Still pools under trees in Pine Creek
Standing rocky walls in the Phoenix Mountains
Young saguaros near Piestewa Peak
Geometric agave growing on the walls of Pine Creek
Fairy cloak ferns and selaginella in the Phoenix Mountains
Gravels and tall canopy along Pine Creek
Saguaro among shaded cliffs in the Phoenix Mountains
Riparian corridor along Pine Creek
Saguaro bordered path through Spur Cross Ranch
Backlit saguaro canyon in the Phoenix Mountains
Trickling water in the boulders of Pine Creek
Jojoba leave at Spur Cross Ranch
Weathered saguaro and spider web in the Phoenix Mountains
Autumn maple sapling between the massive walls of Pine Canyon
Warped prickly pear pad at Spur Cross Ranch
Barrel cactus growing from a rock in the Phoenix Mountains
Delicate Mexican gold poppy in the Phoenix Mountains
Looking south through the eye of Tonto Natural Bridge
Standing saguaro skeletons along Cave Creek
Splayed saguaro skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Brittlebush flowers reaching through ironwood branches in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunlit vault of travertine under Tonto Natural Bridge
Small riffle along Cave Creek
Cholla skeleton among gravel in the Phoenix Mountains
Field of Mexican gold poppies and silvery lupines at Dreamy Draw
Sunlit palo verde in the Phoenix Mountains
Barrel cactus in the Phoenix Mountains
Cholla skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Barrel cactus in the Phoenix Mountains
Saguaro group on steep hills in the Phoenix Mountains
Flowering brittlebush in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunset on Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Sheared stone in a wash bed of the Phoenix Mountains
Close-up lichens in the Phoenix Mountains
Narrow arroyo in the Phoenix Mountains at sunset
Sunset aspens near Flagstaff
Proud saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunset over the valleys of the Phoenix Mountains
Evening trails in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunset behind a lone boulder in the Phoenix Mountains
Piestewa's sister in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunset ocotillos near Piestewa Peak
Fallen barrel cactus in the Phoenix Mountains
Tiny barrel cactus in the Phoenix Mountains
Blossoming ironwood and setting sun in the Phoenix Mountains
Brittlebush stems in the Phoenix Mountains
Textured light in a deep wash of the Phoenix Mountains
Chia seedheads in the Phoenix Mountains
Brittlebush after flowering in the Phoenix Mountains
Arched palo verde in a wash of the Phoenix Mountains
Wash bank with dugout in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunlit valley looking toward Piestewa Peak
Ocotillo and saguaros in the Phoenix Mountains
Sheer cliffs and saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Dry ocotillo seed pods in the Phoenix Mountains
Sunlit slopes in the Phoenix Mountains
Saguaros steep terrain in the Phoenix Mountains
Young saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Uniquely curved saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Abandoned nest in a palo verde in the Phoenix Mountains
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Everyday oddities around Cosanti in Paradise Valley
Sinagua ruins high above Montezuma's Well
Saguaro and its shadow on Camelback Mountain
Saguaro hillsides in the Phoenix Mountains
Dusky fairy cloak ferns in the Phoenix Mountains
Remains of a saguaro skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Shattered saguaro skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Trixis growing within deadwood in the Phoenix Mountains
Trixis flowers in the Phoenix Mountains
Shadowed saguaro valley in the Phoenix Mountains
Rambling milkweed flowers in the Phoenix Mountains
Palo verde bright with flowers in the Phoenix Mountains
Closely guarded prickly pear flower in the Phoenix Mountains
Saguaro crowned with flower buds in the Phoenix Mountains
Tall hillside saguaros in the Phoenix Mountains
Flower-crowned saguaro above the Piestewa Peak trailhead
Saguaros and distant peak in the Phoenix Mountains
Decomposing saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Palo verde seeds and saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Cholla skeletons in the Phoenix Mountains
Tiny talus snail shell in the Phoenix Mountains
Boulder shrine in the Phoenix Mountains
Prickly poppy at Fool Hollow Lake in Show Low
Fallen saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Full moon and saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
High slopes and Piestewa Peak beyond
Evening shadows on Piestewa Peak
Saguaro hills in the Phoenix Mountains
Sun and shade on Camelback Mountains
Twisting stone high on Camelback Mountain
Setting sun on the head of Camelback Mountain
Strange cliffs on Camelback Mountain
Cavities in stone on Camelback Mountain
Stones fill a narrow wash in the Phoenix Mountains
Mesquite and tall saguaro at Spur Cross Ranch
Giant saguaro at Spur Cross Ranch
Fool Hollow Lake near Show Low
Water-worn stone in the Phoenix Mountains
Wash and mountain peaks in the Phoenix Mountains
Fruiting saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Cholla and saguaro skeleton in the Phoenix Mountains
Saguaro in front of Piestewa Peak
Sunset on Piestewa Peak
Afternoon textures on Piestewa Peak
Sunset layers on Piestewa Peak
Rough terrain and a view of Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Saguaro and Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Eclipse sun through branches at Cosanti
Crescent suns on paving stones at Cosanti
Saguaro and Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Santa Rita prickly pear flower in the Phoenix Mountains
Santa Rita prickly pear and Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains
Santa Rita prickly pear among the Phoenix Mountains
Fallen giant saguaro in the Phoenix Mountains
Towering stone formation in the Phoenix Mountains
Gnarled saguaro trunks in the Phoenix Mountains
Rambling milkweed on acacia in the Phoenix Mountains
Layers of shade and sun in the Phoenix Mountains
Cholla skeleton and spiderweb in the Phoenix Mountains
Shades of sunset on Piestewa in the Phoenix Mountains